

Extinguish 意味 208349

Extinguish definition 1 to stop a fire or a light burning 2 to stop or get rid of an idea or feeling 3 to stop a Learn moreExtinguishing ( 複数形 extinguishings ) The process by which something is extinguished 00, Michael Phillips, A Rift in Time, page It took several accidental extinguishings and considerable tinkering with the external oxygen flow between Adam below and Jordan at the controls before he managed to get much ice meltedTremorとは。意味や和訳。名C1 (病気・恐怖・興奮などによる)震え,身震い;ぞくぞくする思い;おじけ,気おくれ,動揺,不安感in a tremor of joy喜びにわくわくして1a 《病気》振顫しんせん2 (地面・木・葉・旗などの)震え,(小さな)揺れ2a (音・声の)震え,(光などの)ゆらめき Weshouldnotlettherealpitfallsofth Yahoo 知恵袋 Extinguish 意味